Recreational Program Overview

U4-U6 Active Start

Players receive one session a week. First half of the session will be led by Brams Technical Coaches trained in Ontario Soccer’s Active Start program. The players will participate in activities, while having fun and learning with a ball at their feet. The second half of the session will be a 3v3 game managed by the Volunteer coach with support from Technical coaches.

U7-U8 FUNdamentals

Players receive one game a week, officiated and facilitated by Game Leaders. Teams will be led by volunteer coaches and will receive 15 minutes to run an activity and review the rules of the game prior to their kick-off.

U9-U12 Learn to Train

Players will receive one game a week, officiated by Match Officials. Teams will work with their volunteer coaches on sessions and development. The Summer program offers two program options. Players seeking a practice once a week with Technical coaching can register for House League Plus.

U13-U18  Soccer for Life

Players will receive one game a week, officiated by Match Officials. Teams will be led by volunteer coaches, and the top two teams of each age group will compete in a Championship game during the Indoor season, and a tournament in the Outdoor season.