Women’s Outdoor Recreational Soccer

Brams United is proud to announce in collaboration with Caledon Soccer Club,  a pathway for female athletes to participate in Soccer for Life!

Participants may register as a group or an individual.

Players wishing to play together will be placed on the same team, please indicate the names of the individuals you wish to play with via e-mail to womensleague@bramsunited.ca

Teams are rostered using player requests and data provided by players during registration (i.e., experience, positions, etc.).

    • Time/Dates: Wednesdays 8:30 PM – May 22, 2024 to August 7, 2024 (12 weeks)
    • Location: Caledon East Soccer Complex (15944 Innis Lake Rd)
    • Cost: $295 per player
    • Age: U18+ (Born 2006 or Earlier)
    • Playing Format:  2 x 40-min halves, 9v9 (includes GK)
    • Ideal Roster: 17 players per team
    • Registration Deadline: May 8, 2024

Our referees and all officials are to be respected at all times.

The season dates allow for 2 weeks of possible rescheduled games due to weather (August 14, & August 21).

A complimentary tournament will be hosted on Caledon Cup, Saturday August 24th, at the Caledon East Soccer Complex to celebrate the season and teams. Caledon Cup brings together members of the Caledon Soccer Club and the community for a day of friendly competition and fun. Please mark this date in your calendars as we hope to see all teams present with their friends and family enjoying a soccer-filled day with music, food and games!

Please note this is in partnership with Caledon Soccer Club and you will be directed to the Caledon portal for registration.